Monday, November 8, 2010

Still Waiting!

Got a call yesterday morning (Sunday) around 9:00 A.M. from the kids stating that Jenn started having some contractions around 10:30 P.M. Friday night. I went on to church and then after church grabbed some lunch and headed to their house. Labor off and on all day but nothing consistent.  I stayed the night and we went to bed around 11:30 P.M. So here we are today, still waiting for the baby to come and praying that Jenn can get some rest in between contractions. Think I forgot to say that they are having a home birth. And maybe sometime today we will have a baby! I came to work, and it’s so hard being here. I really want to be with them. But first sign of anything major changing they will call and I will be on my way. Just praying that God is preparing Taysen to be getting in the perfect position, so that Jenn can deliver her very soon and not be worn out!

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