Wow so much has happened in the last 48 hours. After 52 hours of labor, 8 of them very hard, granddaughter Taysen arrived. She weighed 8lbs-8oz. and is 20 in. long. Daughter in law was amazing she was so exhausted yet she just kept going. And by the way my son was a great labor coach. After pushing for 3 hours, Taysen came into this world. There wasn’t a cry and she couldn’t get her breath. They began suctioning her and rubbing on her and told us to talk to her she needed to her our voices. So we began talking to her, then we switched to singing Jesus Loves Me to her. She started taking little shallow breaths and eventually began to breathe normal. Her little body started to pinken up and her cheeks became rosy! She also had a huge hematobin on her head. She is one tough and very precious baby girl.
During the whole labor process we had an amazing amount of people, most were women from our church family that were sending out prayer request nonstop for what we needed at that moment. They never left our side, they were available immediately by texting or calling and then they immediately sent the word out to others and sent scripture to handle whatever the situation. Example of one incident: At 4:29 P.M. almost 10 hours to the minute prior to Taysen being born, I texted Jana and told her Jenn was really tired and Jana’s response “Thanks I’ll rally the troops!!! We’ll hold up their arms!!!” Now how amazing is that?? And by 9:05 P.M. she had quit saying… I can’t do this!! At 11:30 she started pushing and it went on and on… So once again after pushing for 2 hours Jana responded with “Supernatural strength is coming! God will deliver this baby!!!” “He who has started a good work in Taysen is faithful to complete it.” And one of the last sent. “I can only imagine the amount of joy this child will bring to them for they have worked so hard for her. The mercy and loving kindness of the Lord is in proportion to the waiting on Him.” You just cannot imagine how awesome it was having so many sisters in Christ rally for and with us. There were 62 text messages just between Jana and me, so you can only imagine how many went out all together. Until next time, may I just say “What an awesome God we serve”!! Blessings

Gods Precious Gift
Taysen Jane Thomas